A retrospective external validation study of the TriAGe+ score among stroke patients presenting to the emergency department with vertigo

Augustin Bahu, Céline Occelli, Jacques Levraut, Jean-Paul Fournier, Julie Contenti, Clair Vandersteen


OBJECTIVE : Acute vertigo account for 4% of the reasons for consultations in the Emerency Department (ED) and are mainly of peripheral etiology. The challenge of caring for these patients is to rule out a central etiology, which can be life-threatening. Given the frequency and severity of strokes and the difficulties detecting them in the context of acute vertigo, it is useful to have a clinical score for reliable, early screening to guide clinicians in their imaging examination requests. The main objective of our study was to assess and validate the TriAGe+ score as a stroke screening tool in the context of acute vertigo or dizziness.     

MATERIALS AND METHODS : We conducted a single-center retrospective observational study including patients admitted to the emergency department of the University Hospital between January 2015 and December 2019 for acute dizziness and/or vertigo who had a brain MRI within 72 hours of admission.

RESULTS : We included 444 patients, 73 of whom had a stroke. The mean TriAGe+ score was 7.6±2.8 in our cohort. The AUC ROC for stroke prediction of this score is 0.717 and a cutoff value of ≥5 seems relevant to guide imaging to avoid overlooking stroke (PPV=19%; CI=15-23 and NPV = 100%, CI=94-100).

CONCLUSION : The TriAGe+ score appears to be effective in its ability to predict the presence of stroke, particularly in the posterior fossa, in the setting of vertigo symptomatology in the emergency department.

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